Why does life send us challenges? How to overcome and benefit from difficulties?

Practically no one is immune from life challenges. From time to time, we all face them: unexpected illness, problems at work, financial hardships, tension in relationships with colleagues, family members, disagreement with friends. It is important not to run away from difficulties but to try to learn how to overcome them without falling into overwhelming emotions or stupor and, moreover, to benefit from these difficulties.
Some consider life challenges as punishment for sins. But it is not so. The sages of all times convince us, on the basis of their personal experience, that all the difficulties on our way are the steps on the ladder of our self-improvement, our growing up, hardening our will and developing the ability to overcome obstacles that arise.
Life challenges force us to defeat our fears, complexes, self-pity, arrogance, egoism, and other personal shortcomings. As a result of our victory in the battle with ourselves, we gain both self-confidence and optimism, which will definitely come in handy when difficulties arise again.
In case you suddenly find yourself in a difficult situation and feel confused, the first thing that’s important to know is that you are not alone.
Second, there are things you can do to begin to move past your obstacles so they don’t stop you from reaching your goals. Here are four steps you can take right now to help you overcome the challenges you face.
- Be Humble
Many times, we believe our challenges are unsurmountable or impossible to work past. This can prevent us from even trying to find a solution. It’s also incredibly frustrating. If you’re facing a challenge you don’t know how to overcome, it helps to be humble.
Being humble allows you to appreciate your current position in life and, at the same time, keep focused on the opportunities ahead. Many people in the world face difficult challenges but continue to push forward. Aim to be one of them.
The American Society of Administrative Professionals (ASAP) provides several tips for increasing your humility. They include:
-Knowing your strengths but also your shortcomings and limitations
-Being willing to learn and adapt
-Staying open-minded to feedback from others
-Owning when you make a mistake
-Continuing to learn and educate yourself
- Call on Your Support System
Developing a strong support system gives you people you can call on when life gets tough. It also helps you feel less alone, which can be invaluable when going through difficult times. Not to mention that sometimes other people’s advice can change your point of view and help you for years to come.
Talk with trusted family members and friends about your challenges. If you don’t have someone close that you trust, reach out to others who can help. Make an appointment with a mental health counselor or therapist. Speak to a social worker. Find a coach or mentor in the area where you are struggling.
If you are a student, you can talk to your school’s student support teams to learn how they can help. Not only can they assist with your classes or schooling, but they may also be able to connect you with other area programs based on your needs. It never hurts to ask. They may have access to resources you didn’t even know existed!
- Believe in Yourself
We all have strengths that give us a greater ability to control our destiny. Maybe you have strong verbal and nonverbal communication skills, making it easier to connect with co-workers and healthcare patients. Perhaps you are a natural leader, giving your team someone they can count on when they’re struggling. Believe in your abilities.
While you may not be perfect — none of us are — you still have talents and amazing qualities that can help you excel in your life and career. Use them to the best of your ability. Read stories of others who overcame their challenges to get (and stay) inspired in your journey!
Also, remind yourself that, at this moment, you are just being faced with one of life’s challenges. Many challenges are short-term and specific to a current event, meaning that they can often be overcome fairly quickly. Recognize when your situation is temporary and appreciate that it will change soon.
- Stay Positive
Many of us have faced challenges and obstacles that we believed to be unfair or found it hard to understand why they happened to us. In cases like this, we sometimes take obstacles personally and become negative. When this happens, the problem can seem bigger than it really is.
It is important to realize that you cannot control the past, but you do have the ability to control your future. Stay positive about what lies ahead and work toward a better tomorrow. Staying positive also gives you much-needed energy and determination to overcome your challenges, allowing you to move forward with greater emotional strength.
By Alex Arlander | ENC News