Father and daughter: friendly relationships

We all wish happiness to our children. It’s natural. How achieve that? Frank and sincere conversations with them will help your child become a morally responsible, strong-willed, independent and confident person.
Approval of your child’s achievements is one of the most important things. Don’t forget about it. You as a father need to compliment your daughter as often as possible. This will boost her self-esteem and she will know what to expect. She will realize her worth and would never settle for anything less. While appreciating her beauty in order to instill confidence in her, drive home the fact that beauty is not skin-deep. Let her know that her worth is much more than her physical appearance.
Teach her Self-Respect. From a young age, educate her about what women empowerment means. She should grow with the confidence of being an independent, strong woman. She should never feel inferior to male members of the society. Acquaint her with the terms, such as possible gender discrimination and make her realize that life is not a bed of roses. Bring her close to reality and thoughtfully convey that she would possibly have to deal with discrimination on the grounds of gender. Tell her ways to be strong enough to fight for what is right and stand up for her dignity and self-respect.
Speak with her about gender problems. That may seem to be an uncomfortable topic to discuss with your daughter. However, you should find a way to initiate the topic. Your daughter needs to have the right knowledge about these problems. Otherwise, she might acquire it from elsewhere in a distorted form, which might prove to be harmful to her in future. Frank, honest and open discussions would prevent her from engaging in dangerous activities. Another advantage of discussing this topic openly with your daughter is that it would help you to develop a friendly relationship with her. That way she can easily discuss any issues troubling her such as depression, drug abuse, relationships etc. especially during her teenage.
Teach Her Proper Values: Educate your daughter about the values such as discipline, responsibility, honesty and moral values. In the modern era, social media has a great impact on the lives, especially of teenagers. It is your responsibility as a father to monitor what knowledge she is acquiring from the Internet. Educate her about what information and pictures she should post on the Internet. Teach her what is right and what is wrong. Guiding her from a young age can help your child make right choices in future
Teach Her to be Self-Sufficient: Your daughter should have the basic knowledge of how to run a household, such as changing the car oil, tire, buying grocery, hanging a picture on the wall etc. This will infuse self-confidence in her and make her feel complete. She would feel proud of the fact that she is independent and does not need to depend on anyone.