Bitcoin’s rise and landing

13 Aug 2018

Bitcoin fell to its lowest price of 2018 in June, having experienced its worst start to a year since the cryptocurrency was founded, however it is showing signs of recovery.

The value of bitcoin rose more than twenty-fold in 2017, generating huge amounts of interest in cryptocurrencies like ethereum and bitcoin cash.

After peaking at close to $20,000 in December, bitcoin’s value fell to below $10,000 within a matter of weeks. This precipitated a market-wide crash other leading cryptocurrencies tumble.

It then surged again, before plummeting in mid-January amid reports that trading was about to be banned in several countries around the world. It then stabilised, before beginning a gradual price slide throughout February, March and early April.

Its price is expected to continue to fluctuate unpredictably, economists say.

They warn that returns are not guaranteed, so you could get back less than you invested.


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