Kraków: striking medieval old town

Kraków is a striking medieval old town, one of the finest in Europe, that attracts visitors. There‘s so much to see there!
Kopiec Mounds
Looking at Kraków’s skyline from Wawel Hill (seat of the Polish government in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance), you’ll notice a few lumps on the surrounding hills. These are the Krakówskie Kopce or Kraków Mounds. The oldest – Kopiec Krakusa and Wandy – are believed to have been built several thousand years ago. Kopiec Krakusa is located across the river in Old Podgórze and is said to be the burial site of Kraków’s founder, King Krakus, although no grave has ever been found beneath it. There is a large lawn at the foot of this mound, great for a picnic with a view. During the summer solstice, the mounds are in alignment with the sun rising at Kopiec Wandy and setting at Kopiec Krakusa. Two newer mounds commemorate Polish generals, with the most visited being Kopiec Kościuszki, finished in 1823, which offers spectacular views of Wawel Castle, St Mary’s Basilica, the Main Square and Błonia Park. The largest mound is Kopiec Piłsudskiego, constructed in the 1930s, and located in the Las Wolski forest next to Kraków Zoo.