Preparing for life after school

Krishan Puvvada, a sixth former, came to the Financial Times in summer 2016 with an idea. He saw an opportunity to use FT journalism to show the connections between the subjects sixth formers study and the world beyond the school, to help them prepare for university and fulfilling professional careers.
The FT worked with Krishan, his peers and his school to refine the idea. Student want to be able to demonstrate in interviews that they are informed and confident on topics beyond the basic requirements of the curriculum. Universities and employers in turn confirmed that broader general knowledge helps differentiate the best candidates.
‘It is very important that young people like myself better understand economics, business, finance and politics in preparation for working life after school, and appreciate the value in what is taught in lessons. This initiative enables both because it really can bridge the gap between the classroom and the real world. I hope many other students find the FT engaging inspiring and useful.’
Krishan Puvvada, Student Advisor. The Leys School