New Living Expo April 27-29 San Mateo – A New Era of Awareness

Expo Hosts Cutting Edge Conference based on ‘Drawdown’ Philosophy
SAN MATEO, CA – April 24, 2018 – The New Living Expo (NLE) celebrates its 5th year at the San Mateo Event Center on April 27-29 with a Sustainability Conference to showcase the leading edge projects taking place in San Mateo County.
“We did our homework, and we were very impressed with the cohesiveness of the environmental community in San Mateo County, and the sophisticated level of cooperation of activists, business and government here,” said Ken Kaufman, NLE executive producer and founder. “Our philosophy is about building conscious community, and we wanted to showcase best environmental practices from local community organizations.”
Kaufman recently read Paul Hawken’s groundbreaking book Drawdown, also a seminal influence for San Mateo County’s Office of Sustainability (SMC OOS). The central idea behind the book is that no one activity or act is key to reversing global warming, but that there are a series of things individuals and communities can do in concert with each other to shift the playing field. With that in mind, NLE reached out to SMC OOS to help produce a hands-on conference at NLE’s 2018 show to demonstrate a few of the concepts presented in Drawdown.
“The County and many community organizations are developing innovative programs and tools in educating, inspiring and enacting change for future generations and a sustainable community,” said Jim Eggemeyer, the County’s OOS Director. ”We appreciate NLE’s partnership in this Expo to showcase and encourage new ideas and solutions for San Mateo County.”
One of those organizations is Sustainable San Mateo County (SSMC), a not-for-profit organization dedicated to research on best local practices for the county, and to monitoring local environmental conditions and issues for over 25 years. SSMC has honored two of the conference presenters at its annual Sustainability Awards. Both Peninsula Clean Energy and the San Mateo County Resource Conservation District have been recognized for outstanding service to the community through implementation of solutions to complex challenges.
Organizers are very excited to have John Wick, the Co-Founder of the Marin Carbon Project as one of the presenters in the 1 PM session on carbon farming. Wick, who is also on the Board of Directors of Drawdown, is internationally known for his organization’s pioneering work in this growing field (
“We now know we can lower the earth’s temperature through the increased production of healthy food and safe fiber – how cool is that?” said Wick, who is excited to support the innovative work being done by San Mateo Resource Conservation District and the other main presenter in this session, Kellyx Nelson.
Another conference participant is Jan Pepper, the CEO of Peninsula Clean Energy, whose organization is donating 100 copies of Drawdown to be given away at the conference and leading the conference’s second session.
“We are happy to have another opportunity to showcase our cutting edge work to an audience like this,” said Pepper, who was honored by the prestigious Center for Resource Solutions as Green Power Leader of the Year for 2017 (Green Power Leader of the Year for 2017). “I’m also excited about having a dialogue with State Senator Scott Wiener (D-11) in this session.”
The conference will run for a half day on the second day of the event, April 28, from 1-5 PM, and feature substantive presentations on carbon farming, home composting and a contemporary survey of clean energy options:
“This conference is an example of the wide variety of presenters from a wide variety of backgrounds and perspectives we bring in,” said Kaufman. “The one common thread they all bring to the table are new and different ways of approaching better living and the future.”
The event also features a special 7 PM screening of the documentary “PGS – Intuition Is Your Personal Guidance System” on Friday, April 27. The film chronicles Australian director Bill Bennett’s investigation of human intuition and features numerous interviews with experts from science, religion and spirituality. Bennett will be on hand to discuss the film after the screening.
Authors Marianne Williamson, John Gray and Caroline Myss are among the over 100 speakers featured an NLE this year. The event also offers DIY panels, 180+ special exhibits, Yoga classes, QiGong demos and natural food sampling and dining in the Food Pavilion. Comedian Will Durst also headlines the Conscious Comedy Festival on Saturday night, April 28. For more information on all aspects of the event schedule and tickets, go to, or call 415-382-8300.
About the Organizations Supporting This Conference:
San Mateo County Office of Sustainability:
Sustainable San Mateo County:
Peninsula Clean Energy:
San Mateo County Resource Conservation District:
New Living Expo:
Contact: Richard Matthews
(203) 853-7095