Let’s take care of our health in union with nature

We all wish to live a happy and healthy life. This is great and absolutely right. And who is our first, true friend and assistant in the fulfillment of our desire? Of course, our physical body, which tirelessly serves us day and night.
Let’s help our body, too. It’s not difficult at all. One of the simplest ways to do it is adding to our daily diet healthy superfoods that nature has generously prepared for us.
Probably most people would like to start our talk with heart-healthy diets. So which foods may help us strengthen our heart to avoid heart disease and other heart-related disorders, such as clogged arteries, diabetes, obesity and many others?.
We arranged the products on our list alphabetically for ease of reading.
Almonds are tasty nut-like seeds that grow in woody shells and are oval in shape from the almond tree. Aside from being delicious, almonds may provide cognitive, memory, and cardiovascular health benefits. In some studies, almonds have been proven to lower cholesterol levels, limit LDL absorption, and lessen the risk of heart disease.
We are all fond of apples, the spherical fruits of a rose family tree, with red or green skin and crisp meat, picked in the fall. Various apple types have been developed for usage in pies, cooking fruit, and cider production, among other things. Apples are high in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, all of which contribute to blood pressure control.
Avocados are pears with a hard leathery exterior, smooth oily edible flesh, and a massive brown seed. Avocados are not only tasty, but also healthy, as they are high in antioxidants, monounsaturated fats, and potassium. Avocados have the ability to lower cholesterol.
Bananas are high in fiber, protein, and potassium, all of which are good for our general health. It helps make our nerve cells and muscles more responsive. Bananas, on the other hand, are beneficial to anyone seeking to reduce weight, regulate their heartbeat, or have any other cardiac problem. We should include this fruit in our meal preparations.
Blueberries are heath family hardy miniature bushes with pale drooping blossoms and dark blue delicious berries in the fall and early winter. Blueberries have a high concentration of antioxidants and minerals. Blueberries, when consumed on a regular basis, may help to decrease cholesterol, blood pressure, and the buildup of arterial plaque in the arteries. Blueberries may also aid in the prevention of heart disease and cancer.
Beets have been farmed for thousands of years as a source of food for both humans and cattle. They are also developed for use in sugar manufacturing. Beets are high in antioxidants as well as nutrients. Beets can lower homocysteine levels in the blood, in addition to being a great complement to a crunchy and colorful salad. Beets may also assist to reduce the risk of heart disease, strengthen our organs, and prevent cancer, among other benefits.
Broccoli is a variety of cabbage produced for its edible bloom buds, which are green or purplish in color and are eaten as a vegetable. Broccoli may help us lower our cholesterol and improve the condition of our blood vessels.
Carrots are orange-colored, tapering roots consumed as vegetables. Most people like carrots and use them as a refreshing and tasty snack. Carrots have a great potential to be good for our heart. In addition to improving our vision, they may aid in the fight against free radicals to prevent cancer and heart disease. Carrots are strong in vitamins A, C, and K, which help prevent cancer and heart disease.
Cacao beans are used to manufacture chocolate, which is traditionally consumed as confectionery or as a flavoring component in sweet dishes. We all love chocolate, so many will be pleased to learn that it is on the list of heart-healthy foods to eat. Chocolate helps to lower blood pressure, prevent hypertension, and promote blood vessel elasticity.
Many people all over the world are fond of coffee, a beverage made from the roasted and pulverized seeds of a tropical bush. Coffee drinkers will be pleased to learn that, in addition to keeping them alert, their beloved beverage provides a variety of other health benefits. According to new research, drinking coffee in moderation can help avoid coronary heart disease, heart failure, and stroke.
Cranberries are little, red, tart berries that are popular in baking and cooking. Furthermore, because of the high content of antioxidants and minerals in them, cranberries can be juiced indefinitely. Cranberries, like the other nutrients discussed above, may help to reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition, multiple studies have suggested that cranberries can help prevent cancer, urinary tract infections, periodontal disease, and stomach ulcers.
Eggplants are a purple egg-shaped fruit produced by a tropical Old World plant, but due to their appearance, they are sometimes misconstrued as vegetables. Eggplants are abundant in antioxidants, flavonoids, minerals, and vitamins, making them good for our circulatory system, cholesterol levels, heart health, and overall wellness. According to some research, eggplants may also assist to reduce the risk of cancer and cell membrane damage.
Figs are delicate, pear-shaped fruits with sweet, black meat and a sprinkling of small seeds. They can be eaten raw or cooked. Depending on our preferences, we can eat figs fresh, dried, or even in jam form. Figs can help prevent heart disease and improve our cardiovascular health, in addition to being high in calcium and fiber.
Garlic has been famous since ancient times for its pungent-tasting bulb, which is largely used for flavoring and in herbal medicine. This plant is related to the onion in both appearance and function. Garlic is strong in nutrients that are good for our heart and may help keep our blood vessels healthy. Garlic may also assist to prevent the creation of arterial plaques and reduce the amount of enzymes in our bodies.
Gingers are spicy, aromatic spices derived from a plant’s rhizome and used in cookery. Ginger can be diced or powdered and used in a variety of ways, including cooking, syrup preservation, and candy making. The heart-healthy spice ginger can help reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and other coronary problems in persons who consume it.
Grapefruit is an enthralling fruit to look at, both in terms of its appearance and its flavor and perfume. Furthermore, it is high in nutritional value. It is high in fiber, potassium, choline, lycopene, and vitamin C, all of which are necessary nutrients. It’s a good way of keeping your heart healthy. It’s even part of the DASH diet, so you see how healthy it is.
Green Tea
Green tea is made from unfermented tea leaves and has a pale hue and a slightly bitter flavor. Taking a drink of the beverage helps to calm our nerves while also quenching our thirst. We should start drinking green tea to hydrate ourselves because it has the ability to minimize arterial plaque deposition, improve heart health, and lower cholesterol.
Kidney Beans
Kidney beans are a great addition to most soups and stews, and they are also known to improve our memory and cardiovascular health. Kidney beans are high in magnesium, folate, protein, fiber, and fiber while being low in fat. So we can eat them as much as we want.
Lentils are traditionally dried, steeped, then boiled before being consumed as a high-protein pulse. There are a variety of lentils available, including green and smaller orange varieties. Lentils have the potential to deliver a wide range of health benefits, including lowering the risk of heart disease and stroke. Eating lentils, which are high in magnesium, potassium, and protein, helps us manage our cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood vessel plaque.
Oatmeal is a breakfast staple in our house. The food is delicious, and we are able to create it without incident. It is, however, not only delicious, but also high in fiber, folate, potassium, and omega-3 fatty acids, among other nutrients. It will help to lower cholesterol levels in our body. Oatmeal has components that may aid in keeping our arteries clear.
Olive Oil
Olive oil can lower LDL cholesterol, control blood sugar, and prevent blood clots, all of which can lead to serious problems. Olive oil also contributes to the nutritional benefits of the Mediterranean diet. The bulk of us have tried this type of diet and can claim to its health benefits. Olive oil is an absolute must-have if we want to live a healthy lifestyle.
This spherical juicy citrus fruit with a rough, vibrant reddish-yellow rind is very popular among us because it is one of the most powerful thirst-quenchers. Oranges are high in vitamin C, fiber, potassium, pectin, and other nutrients, so eating them is a good idea. Oranges help us lower the risk of heart failure as well as the formation of heart scar tissue.
Pears and apples appear to be fairly similar on the surface. Excellent, crunchy, and nutrient-dense, they are packed with antioxidants, minerals, and dietary fiber. Pears may be able to help us lower our blood pressure and cholesterol levels, help avoid future heart problems.
Pomegranates are endemic to the Mediterranean region. This orange-sized fruit with a strong crimson outer skin and delectable red gelatinous flesh contains a lot of seeds inside. The fruit has a distinct flavor and is abundant in antioxidants of various types. These antioxidants aid in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and arterial plaque oxidation. Pomegranates help prevent Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, diabetes, prostate cancer, and stroke.
Salmon are massive fish known for the color of their pink flesh. Salmon reach sexual maturity in the sea, but then migrate to freshwater streams to lay their eggs. Because of its versatility and delectability, salmon has been dubbed “the chicken of the sea”. Salmon are abundant in omega-3 fatty acids and minerals, which may help lower cholesterol levels.
Sardines, a small fish that is frequently sold in large quantities, are often arranged in flat metal containers. Sardines have been proved to be a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, making them a good addition to our diet. Omega-3 fatty acids lower triglyceride levels while raising HDL levels in the bloodstream, making them a beneficial type of fat.
We are well aware that spinach is a healthy vegetable. The veggie is abundant in vitamin K, which helps to build our bones if we consume it. Furthermore, the vegetable may aid in the prevention of blood clots.
Strawberries are a wonderful treat that goes well with a variety of foods. It contains important nutrients like minerals, folate, and vitamin C. Furthermore, the fruit is low in calories and helps with fat burning. Strawberries are fruits that may prevent plaque buildup in the arteries as well as widen them, thus preventing health problems.
Turmeric is well-known for its yellow aromatic powder, which is obtained from the rhizome of a ginger family plant. Turmeric is predominantly used in Asian cuisine for flavor and coloration. Turmeric became popular due to the presence of curcumin, which was discovered to be effective in preventing heart enlargement.
improve cardiovascular health, and reduce our risk of getting heart disease.
Some of us know that walnuts are best eaten as a snack or as a salad topping. They include a high quantity of omega-3 fatty acids. Walnuts can help maintain our hearts healthy, as well as our cholesterol and blood pressure levels in check, thus preventing problems in our bodies.
We know that eating watermelon on the beach or in a pool is the best option. The fruit can benefit our skin by rehydrating it. Watermelon is also high in potassium, magnesium, and vitamins A, B6, and C, among other things. The fruit can help us preserve our cardiovascular health. Watermelon can help decrease blood pressure and cholesterol levels. We can classify it as one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the market.
We wish you good health!
By Gilbert Castro | ENC News